
January 30, 2012

Valentine's Mini Wreath!

Are you guys ready for some valentine fun that is in non-printable form??

I kinda am.
I love sharing prints...but a fun project is always a good mix-up.

I haven't been able to go all out for Valentine's...
mostly because it would be too much work just to have to take down pretty soon.
I'm trying to keep myself from getting too overwhelmed this semester while taking 19 hours of grad work!!

Which means that I need to pick and choose what projects to take on :)
So my house is actually pretty springified right now.
Which Arkansas seems to be more in tune with since we haven't really had any good winter weather.

But I had to make a couple valentine's projects to spread the love a little.

So I decided to make a cute mini-wreath.
Yup. Mini.

I found these cuties in the Target dollar spot right before Christmas and never got around to using them.
Though I mostly bought them because of their size and I knew they could be re-used.

I just took  some small sewing scissors and snipped the yarn off the form.
I ended up with a cute, tiny little wreath form :)

Which Simon thought was his toy.

I re-wrapped it with some red yarn and embellished it with some cute hearts I had on had...
I decided it needed a mini place to hang so I hung it from an extra frame I had...

The hearts were some chipboard hearts that I re-did.
The bigger one I wrapped with twine and the smaller one had some paper mod-podged onto it.
I wrapped a little bit of embroidery thread around the red yarn to add a little more contrast.

Mini wreaths call for mini embellishements :)

I stuck some houndstooth scrapbook paper in the frame and then clamped the ribbon into the frame to hang the wreath.
Now I can change it out whenever I feel like it.
And with my obsession with wreaths- you can bet you'll be seeing some more mini wreaths!!

For now, she hangs in the corner of my living room.
Did you notice one of my valentine's prints peeking out at the bottom?
Just adding a little more love :)

It might be a just a tiny bit of v-day in our house- but it makes me smile.
Or maybe it's just that whole 'mini' thing going on.

Everything is just way cuter in mini-form, right??

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January 29, 2012

Six Free Valentine Printables

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to change up decor for the various holidays,
then printables are the way to go!!

In case you missed it all this past week,
I'm collecting all six of the free Valentine Printables I've made up for you guys :)
All in one easy post.

I have one more printable that popped up over the weekend when a reader contacted me.
And it's super cute- so be on the lookout!!
I love creating free prints, so if you ever have an idea, feel free to shoot me an email with a suggestion and I'll see what I can do!
I love getting new ideas for fun printables.

And don't forget to send pictures to me via email or Facebook so I can show off your fabulousness you've created with any of my prints!!
Luv you guys :)

And onto the prints...

Click on the names below to be taken to their download post:

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January 27, 2012

A Week of Valentine's Printables- My Whole Heart Print

It's Friday! It's Friday!

Aren't you guys as excited as I am???

Or sad that the week of printables is to an end?
Me too :/

But I've got other v-day fun for you next week- just wait!

I've been fighting off migraines all week because of the crazy weather here in Arkansas.
It's trying to get the best of me, I swear.

Add that to the horrible flourescent lighting in those dang classrooms and it makes for a pretty miserable fight against the evil headache.

Anyone else struggle with migraines?
I'm sending all my love out to you now.
They just suck.

Today's printable was inspired by the quote that swept over Blogland for most of 2011.
It orginated at...Pottery Barn?
I'm thinking that's it though don't hold me to it :)

It's a super sweet quote and inspired my wall art way back when that I still love.

Isn't it sweet and simple?
I made it in four colors- the white you see above and the three below.

I hope you guys like it :)
Wouldn't it be a sweet note to tuck on Hubby's pillow for a sweet surprise?

Click on the name below to download your favorite:

As with all my free printables,
these are for personal use ONLY.
Please do not claim them as your own or alter them.
Printables are for Tattered and Inked readers only.

I'm sad that this is the last day of the printables series
but super excited about seeing what you're going to do with them!
Send in the pictures and I'll be featuring them on my Facebook page :)
Happy Friday guys!

If you've missed printables from the rest of the week, check them out below!

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January 26, 2012

A Week of Valentine's Printables- You'll Always Be... Print

I can't believe the week is almost over!!

Which means only two printables left to go!!

I'm almost okay with that because I have a bunch of awesome projects that have been in the works that I'm dyyying to share with you guys.
Although writing posts with printables in them seem to be surprisingly quick and easy.
Which means more time to read the last Hunger Games book.

Oh. Em. Gee.
That's all I have to say about that.
No spoilers- I'm close to the end!!!
And will be dying to see the movie come March! Eek.

Today's printable was inspired by hubby.
He's always a good person to turn too when I need some creative inspiration.
All I had to do was say... "I need a good idea for a printable"
and he showered me with about ten fabulous song lyrics to use.

So say thanks to hubby for this one :)
Cuz it's sweet and cute.
Perfect for a quick printable.

The lyrics are from a song by one of my all-time favorite bands, Relient K.
Awesome band with some very sweet (and sometimes sad!) songs.
This one is light and perfectly on tune for your valentine :)

And of course, in several colors!

And just cuz I can...
here's my best friend.
And my sweet (but crazy) valentine.

I'd love to hear your favorite thing about YOUR best friend!!
Share what it is by commenting below :)

Click below to download your favorite:

As with all my free printables,
these are for personal use ONLY.
Please do not claim them as your own or alter them.
Printables are for Tattered and Inked readers only.

If you missed the printables from early in the week, you can find them here:

Hope you guys are having a great week- can't wait until tomorrow to show you the last printable of the week!!
Don't forget to tell me your favorite thing about your best friend :)

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January 25, 2012

A Week of Valentine's Printables- Infinity Plus One Print

We've made it to Wednesday- woohoo!!!

Which is a great feat for me this week since I'm still dragging in the 'getting-caught-up' phase.
I found myself wandering around the house with a stapler in my hand yesterday...
then looking down and wondering why in the heck I was carrying that thing around.
I think I thought it was my phone.
Still. Weirdness.

At least I didn't try to talk on it :)

Are you guys ready for another printable??

Even though the last two ones this week have been personal favorites,
I think this one is way cute.

If for no other reason it brings back those good ole' elementary school days.

Remember when this ending to a sentence was the end-all for everything?
You won if you said it first :)

Bring back any fond memories??
Or maybe the fight going on in your kitchen right now.
(most likely with something a little less endearing... 'oh yea? Well I'm cooler infinity plus one!')

And not to dissapoint those of you who love color just as much as me...
it's in six lovely colors.

Just click, download, print & frame!!

Click the link below to download your favorite:

As with all my free printables,
these are for personal use ONLY.
Please do not claim them as your own or alter them.
Printables are for Tattered and Inked readers only.

I hope you're enjoying this series as much as I enjoy making the printables :)
Happy mid-week guys and I'll see you back here tomorrow for another freebie!!

If you've missed any of the previous printables you can find them below:

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January 24, 2012

A Week of Valentine's Printables- If You're a Bird... Print

So there's a lot behind this print today :)

Maybe it was spurred on by my crazy love for The Notebook...
or just Nicholas Sparks in general.
Maybe it's that whole gushy valentines feeling that spurs on a random urge to quote a great chick flick.

Or maybe just because I love Ryan Gosling.
Which this site definitely helps feed that love.
If you haven't seen the Homemade Ryan Gosling, you need to run over there and check it out.
You'll be laughing (and drooling!)

Here's one of my recent faves:

So in honor of all those above reasons,
I'm sharing my favorite quote from The Notebook :)

When they're splashing around at the beach and he's twirling her around.
You know.

And he says...

And in four different colors, of course!
Cuz one just isn't enough :)

Click the links below to download:

As with all my free printables,
these are for personal use ONLY.
Please do not claim them as your own or alter them.
Printables are for Tattered and Inked readers only.

I hope you enjoy them
and then maybe go snuggle up on the couch and cry your eyes out watching it :)
Not that I want you to cry.
Just the good kind, kay?

If you missed yesterday's printable, head here to check it out!

And don't forget that tomorrow there will be ANOTHER free printable up :)
Just cuz I love you guys and stuff.

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January 23, 2012

A Week of Valentine's Printables- Bushel in a Peck in New Colors!!!!

About a year ago now,
I released my very first printable.

I was super excited about it...and super nervous at the same time.
It was simple.
And it meant a lot to me because I used to sing it to my little man when he was a baby.
Well, I still do.

I was just playing around.
It was super simple.
And I didn't even know if anyone would really care about it.

So, so wrong.
It's gone a bit viral.
Especially now that it's on Pinterest.
And I still can't believe it when it soars above all the rest of my posts on my stats page.

So apparantly you guys like (and relate too) the Bushel and a peck song too.

And I felt bad limiting you guys to just that one hot pink color.
And hinted that I had a surprise in store for you guys with this printable.

And here it is, nearly a year later and...

I'm happy to tell you that the Bushel and a Peck print is now in nine colors!!!

Including the original hot pink version.
My favorite part of the whole thing is hearing about the sweet memories most of you have with this song.
It's been amazing to see how a few simple words can evoke so many different emotions from people.

I'm so excited to see where these may end up, so please send any pictures that you take of how you use the prints!!
I love you guys a bushel and a peck :)

I did a giveaway this past summer using the grey and yellow version if you remember,
and had a lot of fun dressing up an old cabinet door with it...

so I can't wait to see what fun ideas you come up with!!

Click the names below to download your favorite version:

As with all my free printables,
these are for personal use ONLY.
Please do not claim them as your own or alter them.
Printables are for Tattered and Inked readers only.

I hope you lurve them, guys!
I have so enjoyed seeing all the sweet comments about everyone's memories attached to this song.
I'd love to hear yours so definitely leave a comment sharing your special memories!!

Head back over tomorrow for another fun, free printable during...

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January 19, 2012

Placemat Pillows are baaaack!

I mean, are there really any cheaper, more awesome pillows out there than placemat pillows??

Ok, so I'm sure there are some more crazy cheap ideas out there but, seriously, these are my faves :)

I've shared a couple tutorials for some seasonal placemat pillows here and here with you guys.
But I love these guys even MORE because I can keep them out all. year. long .

I scored on some cheap blue and white placemats at Target last spring and about hopped up and down in the aisle when I saw them.
( maybe I did. You know you do too!)

I found them when they were being clearanced so I snatched up three of those babies.
They only had one of my favorite print- the trellis design but I snagged two of the flower ones.
Because three is always the perfect number, right?

I filled them the same way I did my other two sets of pillows.
Just ripped open a seam on the side, stuffed the pillow stuffing in and then sewed it closed.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

And they may or may not have been scrubbed several times already when sticky hands get a hold of them.
And they've come up clean every time :)

Here they are hanging out in the living room I've been posting about all week.
If you missed it's transformation, check those posts out here and here.

The big one in the corner was an actual pillow that was clearanced so I snatched him up too :)

So do you love placemat pillows as much as I do?
Made any lately??

Do tell :)

Oh and have I told you yet that next week is going to be ANOTHER week of printables,
Valentine's Day style?
Oh yes. Get excited.
Cuz I know I am!

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