
July 03, 2016

"O Say Can You See' Wooden Blocks

Ok, I'm back!!!
Remember how I said I wanted to share one more crazy easy project with you before tomorrow?!? 
Well, here I am!!

When creating my 4th of July display for our foyer, I realized I still needed a few small 'filler' pieces to make it all look right. 
I wanted something small, super easy to throw together, and, of course, patriotic. 

So these little patriotic blocks are what my mind came up with...

And they were seriously the quickest things to throw together ever!!

Here's what you need: 
Scrap Wood (I literally used tiny scrap pieces that were rough on most of their edges) 
Red & White acrylic paints

First things first, if you don't already have scrap blocks lying around, cut a few lengths of a thin board and you're good to go! 
I didn't even bother with smoothing my edges because I didn't mind the unfinished look. 

Paint in your desired colors. 
I switched off red & white in acrylic paints. 
Let dry. 

After they're dry, run some sandpaper over the edges to distress it a bit. 
See the difference? 

Next, just add your vinyl. 
I've made it even easier for you and included my cut file with my words already created for you!!

You can download that file here
As far as I know, you can only download and open the file if you have Silhouette Studio software. You should be able to then size the words to fit your pieces that you have!!

Easy peasy. 

Apply your vinyl & you are finished!!!

They were the perfect addition to the foyer decor &  you can't beat free & quick!!!
So even if you're needing something to jazz up your table or patio area for the 4th tomorrow, you should be able to whip them up this evening no problem!!

Happy Fourth of July friends!!

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