
February 10, 2012

More Fun Valentine Printables!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner?
Are you ready??

I think V-day around here is going to consist of treatment plan writing and maybe a quick dinner to one of our fave places- PF Changs.
But OT school doesn't seem to be wanting to share the love for the holiday at the moment :/

Lots and lots to do.

But just in case you're needing a few more ideas for Valentines, you've gotta check out this fun site!
Talk about Valentine eye candy :)

Mooo has tons of free valentine's printables up for grabs!
Plus you can sign up for their Mooo club to recieve news of all their awesome prints they put out!

I don't usually just post about a website but oh my gosh- the cuteness!!!

My personal favorite is the 'I love you to the moon and back' tag...

So just in case you're needing some more valentine freebies...
head over and check them out!

Hope you guys have a fabulous friday!!

Oh, oh oh!!I'm having a Facebook Fans only Giveaway over on my Facebook page so you should definitely head over to check it out :)

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You have an adorable blog. I just popped over via your Facebook page and I'm a new follower of both. I love all your re-dos. Hope to have you visit me sometime. Best and happy V-Day.


Reading your comments makes my day!!! I'd love for you to leave me some love and make me smile :)